A Life of Confession || Annika

A Life of Confession || Annika

I cannot believe that this week, we will already be in November. At the beginning of this semester, I remember saying in discipleship that I had very few expectations for what my last year at Cal would look like. But, you guys, God is so full of surprises. This semester has been radical for me, and I have experienced Jesus in new ways that I never could have imagined. I think a large part of this transformation, however, has come as a result of the practice of regular confession.

Follow Me || Margee

Follow Me || Margee

I have recently been thinking a lot about discipleship. I’ve been skimming several
books on the topic, searching the gospels for insight into what it means to be a
disciple, and talking to many people about the whole idea of discipleship. I’ve been
trying to get my head around the idea of what does it mean that I am a disciple of
Jesus and then what is the whole process of discipleship about?

Seeking Stillness || Heather

Seeking Stillness || Heather

Happy Monday maBEARS! I guess I should start by owning up to the fact that writing this musing was nearly impossible for me. As I opened and closed blank word documents the entire week, I realized I was trying to be relevant in a community that I don’t fully get to be a part of right now. I had this hope that I would somehow type up these perfect words that were exactly what y’all needed to hear, and then I could be like BAM look at God speaking the same truth across oceans and languages; but if I’m being honest even if He had I didn’t have the ears to listen.