The Words of God || Dan

The Words of God || Dan

This Fall marks my second year of teaching a theology class at my church. The class covers all sorts of subjects pertaining to what makes up the orthodox faith of Christianity. Our subject for Sunday’s lesson was taking a look at God’s Word, the Bible, and exploring some of the truths about it.

For many Christians, the Bible is something they know they should probably read more, but can’t quite find the time or motivation to make it happen. It can feel like a daunting task, especially if you’re not super familiar with the Scriptures or…

Curiosity is Love || Patreeya

Curiosity is Love || Patreeya

I sat on the plane en route to Mexico City, mourning all the things I hadn't checked off of my to-do list. My four years of high school Spanish had yet to resurface, and I had only made it to “Él es un muchacho. Él bebé leche” on DuoLingo. My list of “Things to Eat” only had one all-inclusive bullet point: tacos. I hadn’t begun Sandra Cisneros’ Woman Hollering Creek—a book I have owned since college, purchased for some class, and never opened because, let’s be honest, in the deluge of assigned reading, SparkNotes became my dear friend--like the one with all the extra meal plan points at the end of the semester…

Things Unfinished || Priyanka

Things Unfinished || Priyanka

My sophomore year, I lived in just about the seediest place imaginable. It looked as if someone tried to DIY an entire apartment with a $50 Walmart gift card and a staple gun. All of our cupboards were slightly off center, our bathroom was eerily lit by a single flickering bulb, and the carpet was so cheap that bits of it would clump together and roll across the hall like tumbleweeds. Aside from the everyday shabbiness and the…

Good Work || Dan

Good Work || Dan

Happy Labor Day! Hope you are soaking up the peace and calm that comes along with an extra day tacked onto your weekend! It is always nice to have your discretionary time increased by 33%. Hey, who doesn’t like that?! In my experience, however, the peace and calm that come along with Labor Day can have a sneaky negative impact on the rest of the week.