Monday Music || Emily

There are times when I become overwhelmed and can hardly begin to think through what is going on in the world around me. When this happens it often helps me to turn on a song or two that remind me of truth, truth of who God is, of the depth and power of His love. This music and articles that discuss similar topics help me pause and pray instead of building a wall of distraction or apathy. If this is a such a time for you, and you are a Jesus follower like me, I hope that these resources will be a source of perspective, comfort and challenge for you. 

Music: "I Have Made Mistakes" by the Oh Hellos:

"Mindful" by Tow'rs:

"Where Were You" by Ghost Ship:

Article: "Gandalf, Job, and the Indignant Love of God":

These particular songs and article remind me of the hope that exists in spite of my weakness and shortcomings in the face of challenges and evil. Music and articles can't solve our problems, but they can help point us back to the One who is there with us through all things, and who invites and empowers us to be part of the reconciliation He is working in the world.